David Suzuki Shares Some Thoughts, Insights and Wisdom


David Suzuki has a long history in science and science broadcasting. He shares his thoughts and wisdom tracing his life growing up and working amid racism and prejudice and reflects on a world where our connection to nature is being lost, whilst becoming increasingly important in a podcast here.

The former host of The Nature of Things and co-founder of an eponymous Foundation also joined Cross Country Checkup in July 2023 to answer questions about the need for action in the climate change fight, cutting through 'hopeium' and the new normal stemming from wildfire smoke here.

His discussion of the need for us to reinsert ourselves back into nature has echoes of Chief Seattle’s and Sonia Conterra’s sentiments.

[Modern paraphrasing of original]

What befalls the Earth befalls all of us on the Earth. This we know: The Earth does not belong to people, people belong to the Earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. People did not wave the web of life, we are merely a strand in it. What people do to the web, we do to ourselves.’

Chief Seattle


We emerge from nature and we are entangled with nature and the future of us as humans is entangled with the future of the planet” Get your poster here, TShirt here or laptop sleeve here

Professor Sonia Conterra, Spanish physicist and nanotech pioneer