Be Wild And Love The World You're On - Pg 2 References & Links

Some Related links and references (There are soooooo many!)

We will continue to add to the links below over the next few months.

Got some suggestions for us? Give us your thoughts. Send us a link or a way of finding on the internet and be rewarded.

[The summary of the sixth IPCC report is here with the link to the full report in section (E) below]



“Systemic changes comes about from many people doing things locally.”



BBC People Fixing The World - here

Dr Andrew Forrest’s 2021 Boyer Lectures - here

People Preserving Koala’s - here



“How To Avoid A Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need” here

Bill Gates


“A Life On Our Planet: My Witness Statement & A Vision For The Future”  here

Sir David Attenborough


“Fight For Planet A” here

Craig Reucassel


“Our Last Century?”

Martin Rees (Question mark inserted to follow Martin Rees! A link to a podcast about the book is here)


“Surviving The 21st Century: Humanity’s Great Challenges and How We Can Overcome Them” here

Julian Cribb

(together with a related BBC Science Focus podcast here with applied ethicist and philosopher Toby Ord and a short talk outlining his thoughts including a need to recalibrate leadership here)

 Another book on the subject is "‘Rethinking our world: an invitation to rescue our future’ by Maja Gopel and a podcast discussing her ideas is here.

“Sand Talking: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save The World” here          

Tyson Yunkaporta


“A City Is Not a Computer” here

Shannon Mattern – ‘The built environment is the product of so many agencies and institutions, often working in the background. It’s hard to localize responsibility for that.” Cities aren’t mere computers so justice and survival now depend on cities getting a serious upgrade to their firmware.


“Our Sunburnt Country” here

Anika Molesworth


The Superpower transformation: Building Australia's Zero-Carbon Future

Ross Garnaut (Ed)

More from Ross Garnaut here


Some smaller exemplar companies. Send details of your favorites to

Planet Protector Packaging – Turning waste wool into great packaging to replace Styrofoam

EClass Boats ( – replacing petroleum noisy outboard with quieter electric ones

Become an environmental hero with ZeroCo – aiming to eliminate single use plastic, currently Australia focused but tomorrow – the world! 😊

CoolLife material – From LifeLabs Design (aiming to reduce the 10% of global energy used for airconditioning our living environments with better clothing AND creating a virtuous circle of polyethylene recycling) with the aptly STEAMy motto: ”We believe in a better life through science and design”. (See also Svetex by Nermaco).



Algae as allies with friendly funghi to help – some interesting research here and here

BBC People Fixing The World – Can Doughnuts Save The World

The Economist podcast before the October 2021 Glasgow COP26 outlines three priorities: reducing emissions and carbon in the air, adapting to climate change; and the trickiest part, navigating the fraught global politics to reach agreement at November’s UN Climate Conference in Glasgow. Now with COP27 in 2022 we have some meaty discussions about paying for and who should pay the giant external cost of climate change consequent to decades of emissions and pollution. Whatever the outcome we should at least not start anymore hydrocarbon development in Australia, Canada, Congo or really anywhere on our pale little blue dot.

Urban dominates over rural living so why aren’t we living in sustainable cities.

AND ABC’s Late Night Live – Kate Raworth discusses the doughnut economy


BBC Materials Scientist Professor Mark Miodownik’s ‘Plastic Fantastic’ podcast series from BBC Science Weekly, a Science Focus podcast on biodegradable plastics & his most recent Dare To Repair effort on the BBC’s Scientifically adding "Repair" to the 'Reduce, Reuse & Recycle" call to our use of materials and consumer durables - a nice linkage with the aspirations of the doughnut economy. 

ABCSpending to decarbonize our economy does not have to prevent economic growth - the  investment, rather than the expense, should also recognize that money would be needed to sustain a carbon-burning economy as well – what a great opportunity investment in sustainability is turning out to be!

The Futurist Mark Pesce’s “Sustain” podcast series, starting in August 2021 and ranging food, asparagopsis’s {seaweed} virtuous circle and electricification is here . You could do worse than listening and relistening to his entire Next Billion Seconds oevre of guests and co-presenters.


Six Capitals: The revolution capitalism has to have--or can accountants save the planet? (here)

Jane Gleeson-White

(Jane discussed the ideas in a podcast here)


Kate Raworth’s “doughnut economy” book is part of the recognition that unchecked monetary GDP growth built primarily on extractive industry is a false nirvana.


“Mission Economy : A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism” here

Mariana Mazzucato


“Sustainable Energy—Without the Hot Air” here

David Mackay


“Electrify: An Optimist’s Playbook for Our Clean Energy Future” here

Saul Griffith


“Full Circle – A Search For The World That Comes Next” here

Scott Ludlum (a podcast featuring a discussion with Scott about himself and his book is here)


Crimes Against Nature”

Jeff Sparrow (An Australian Broadcasting Corporation Big Ideas podcast discussing the book here)


SOME WEBSITES - Certification Examples

Forest Stewardship Council


The Naked Scientists Should You go Vegetarian

Big Ideas - Understanding your personal power to make an impact on the world

ABC - Responsibility In An Age of Climate Change

ABC Late Night Live – Michael Mann discusses the tactics used by vested interests to slow down efforts to decarbonize our society here with a nice alliterative summary (replicated in our Wordcloud Design Collection items here ). A link to his book "The New Climate War" is here. Sam Baker hosts a discussion on Deutsche Welle’s Living Planet podcast about how to combat climate change misinformation here

The BBC has a series called The Climate Question which ranges over many areas here.

BBC Science Focus / Instant Genius: 8 Feb 2021 - Dr Andrea Perino outlines rewilding benefits, whether it's acres of forest or just a tiny patch in your back garden here.


SOME WEBSITES - A global research organization that works with governments, businesses, multilateral institutions and civil society groups to develop practical solutions that improve people’s lives and protect nature



How Can Trees Grow so Tall with Derek Muller on the Veritasium Youtube channel

The Naked Scientists Forest science

ABC’s Science Show Mangroves & sea grasses 40-50x more efficient at storing carbon than terrestrial forests and Big Ideas’ The Carbon-Fixing Superpower of Wetlands, Salt Marshes and Sea Meadows

Brain Pickings Leland Melvin reads Pablo Neruda’s poem to Chilean Forests (If you link through and enjoy it please do consider supporting as a very worthwhile cause).

Ockhams Razor: Reframe: How to solve the world's trickiest problems Eric Knight

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Science Show:


BBC The Science Show – Dr Geert Jan van Oldenborgh talks about the extraordinarily hot weather across Pacific North-West Americas highlights the need for more research of the systems driving these extremes. A 2022 paper by Emily Neal et al provides a sobering research update of the fluid dynamics and hydrology behind large-scale atmospheric events.

A study published in Nature (July 2021) outlines how we should expect more frequent extreme weather patterns and events if the climate system is changing. The link to the article is here but, unfortunately for such an important paper, is behind a paywall. A podcast summarizing it is on the BBC’s 8 August 2021 Science Hour here. A Smithsonian article on the Siberian methane timebomb is here and worrying 2022 research about us crossing various climate tipping points.

Podcasts from The Grantham Institute (see below for the link to their full site) - here

Lets make the UN Decade of Ocean Science For Sustainable Development (2021 – 2031) better than the decade for biodiversity!

Marine Noise Pollution – also listen to The complexities of whale communication



Soil: The Incredible Story of What Keeps the Earth, and us, healthy.” here

Matthew Evans

Link to the ABC’s Big Ideas podcast is here

Link to Life Matters discussion with Matthew Evans here


In a similar vein Professor Pete Smith discusses soil and global change in a BBC interview with Jim Al-Khalili here and in a video here


Ground Breaking: Soil Security & Climate Change

Freya & Philip Mulvey (Link to the ABC’s Ockham’s Razor podcast here)


“The Silent Earth: Averting the Insect Apocalypse“ here

Professor Dave Goulson

(watch his video here or listen to a shorter Instant Genius podcast on the subject here)


“The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming” here

David Wallace-Wells (is the raw science scarier than the mainstream reporting of it?)


“Angry Weather: Heat Waves, Floods, Storms and The New Science of Climate Change”

Friederike Otto  here


“The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet” here

Michael Mann (Director at The Earth System Science Center

A good interview with Professor Mann is here



Forest Watch – provides the latest data, technology and tools empowering people everywhere to better protect forests

Rainforest Connection recycles cell phones to allow forests to call for help (A lovely Late Night Live interview with founder and director engineer Topher White is here). [We have some products whose profits support them here – tree w phone, no chainsaw sign]


A comprehensive summary of global scientific research:

The link to the sixth assessment report of 2021 is here with artist Alisa Singer being quoted below her picture “"As we witness our planet transforming around us we watch, listen, measure … respond."

A great example of STEM interacting with Art to make more effective STEAM - science communication in action! We really need to speed up the pace and degree of our response, 410ppm is too high.

IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change


This link ( has an interesting Bristol University visualization model of what mean temperatures changes mean across the globe and compares to different time periods – the 1.5 degree target is like the Earth 50 million years ago – time travel may be impossible but our future may be going back to the past!


A good source of numerical data series and more Our World in Data founded by Max Roser

ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions | The Australian National University


Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC) | Science (

Climate Council Organisation (Australia)

Earth and Environmental Systems Institute (

ESSC: Earth System Science Center homepage (


Environmental Change Institute - University of Oxford


Global Systems Institute | Global Systems Institute | University of Exeter


Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment | Imperial College London


Home - Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (


World Weather Attribution – Exploring the contribution of climate change to extreme weather events

Centre for Understanding Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP)  Podcast here




Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Governing During A Climate Crisis

(ABC) Valuing Our Planet

Ockhams Razor: Reframe: How to solve the world's trickiest problems Eric Knight

Is there a crime ecocide?  

The law catches up with regulating externalities - Royal Dutch Shell as a test case? In May 2021 a Dutch court ruled that Shell, and by extension other companies, are now individually responsible for their contribution to climate change. Shell is appealing the ruling, which references the requirement to restrict global warming to the Paris Climate Accord level of no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius over pre-industrial levels. The court held that corporations, not just governments, were bound by the accord.

Another example (the Australian Murray Darling Basin) of a legal barrier to environmental damage or over exploitation but this time showing how it can be undermined by politics and subversion by governmental maladministration.

In January 2022 Paul Barclay covered Going To Court For Nature in the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Big Ideas podcast and in 2023 the Pacific Island Students Fighting Climate Change sought a resolution from the UN for the International Court of Justice to give an advisory opinion potenitally leading to polluting countries being held accountable for the damage they cause discussed here.


Living Democracy: An ecological manifesto For the end Of The world as we know it” Tim Hollo

A Late Night Live podcast discussing the book with Tim Hollo, author and Executive Director of the Green Institute is here

Dead in the water: a very angry book about our greatest environmental catastrophe – the death of the Murray Darling basin” Richard Beasley (Allen & Unwin, Feb 2021) with a 2023 update.

Worlds In Transition: Evolving Governance Across a Stressed Planet” authors University of Melbourne Professor Jim Falk and  La Trobe University’s Professor Joseph Camilleri discusses governance in a rapidly changing world in an ABC Ockhams Razor podcast